Luke Dangler

Luke Dangler

Art Studio
Results for "print"


Impressive Lightsaber Print

Good will always triumph because evil is dumb.The light side is strong in this watercolor painting.Fine Art Prints museum quality Vibrant Giclée...

Beeard Print

Beeard Print

Bee Fact #4 – Bumblebees often mush their heads into piles of pollen in an effort to accumulate intimidating manly facial buildup. These Bee Beeards are thought to help confuse would-bee predators while simultaneously causing bee friends to laugh uncontrollably.

Boop Print

Boop Print

Ancient accounts of Sasquatch behavior include a strange practice of forest mischief that has come to be known as boppinsquatchin’. In these accounts, wild Sasquatch have been observed sneaking up on forest creatures to give them a quick poke before slipping away unseen. If successful, this behavior leaves the unsuspecting animals to wonder if their experiences are real, or if they are simply imagining things.

Nicolas Cageling Print

Nicolas Cageling Print

Nicolas Cage struggles to cope with his new life as a baby duckling in this fine art print made from my original “Nicolas Cageling” watercolor painting.